At Lenton Partners our accountants and business advisers offer a wide range of services and advice.

Based in Melbourne, Lenton Partners accountants provide exceptional support and advice.

A boutique accountancy firm located on Kew Junction in Kew, Victoria, Lenton Partners has the experience and knowledge to assist private clients and businesses with core accountancy and taxation services.

At Lenton Partners we offer a wide range of services and advice to high net wealth individuals and small business entities and groups. Our clients receive a personalised and professional service on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, depending on the level of support required.

With Covid-19 reshaping the way we do business and forever impacting many industries, our firm has been able to adapt accordingly and provide a solution based approach to assist our clients navigate through varying circumstances. We pride ourselves on our service offering to clients and are very proud of our  dedicated team that make it our business to provide the highest quality professional advice, knowledge and expertise to our client base.

Our philosophy at Lenton Partners is simple, it’s all about success by association.

To arrange a time to talk to one of our trusted advisers, please phone our office on +61 3 9854 6330